The 18 Best Law of Attraction Books 2020

Best Law of Attraction Books 2021

What are the best law of attraction books?

The law of attraction is a pretty deep subject and cannot be fully understood by just skimming the surface.

You need the best law of attraction books to really understand and absorb this powerful, most prevalent principle in the universe but there are so many books available on the topic, where do you begin?

That’s exactly why I’ve put together this list of what I believe to be the absolute best law of attraction books and audio programs available to help you to get the most out of this powerful concept.

We often become what we believe ourselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. When I believe I can, I acquire the ability to do it, even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.



The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

We have to start with what is probably the best known law of attraction book. The Secret was first released as a film in 2006 and gained widespread popularity. A year later, Rhonda Byrne followed it up with a book of the same name.

This is such a mainstream book I probably don’t need to do a The Secret book review but if by some miracle you have never heard of it here is a quick summary.

Best Law of Attraction Books - The Secret

It is a 199-page book that tackles every aspect of our lives: health, money, relationships, and the interactions we have with it.

The book teaches us how to use and understand the untapped power that’s within all of us to bring happiness and improvements in all areas of our lives.

It is a compelling book, backed up by wisdom gathered from various successful individuals. Now if you are looking for a good starter book on law of attraction, this is the best one for you.

Best Law of Attraction Books - The Key to living the law of attraction

The Key To Living The Law Of Attraction by Jack Canfield

I finished this book in just a few hours. It is a short read with just 144 pages. No wonder I devoured it in less than a day. 

 Jack published this in 2007, several years  after The Success Principles.

It is one of the best ‘how to’ books in using the law of attraction in daily life. Emphasized in this book is not just what you need to know about the law of attraction, but what you need to do also.

The three most important issues are tackled in-depth here: clarity, purpose, and action. This book empowers you and will guide you step by careful step to the process of manifesting your dreams, goals, and desires.

The Law of Attraction Series by Esther and John Hicks

If you are interested in getting deeper into the law of attraction, check out this series by Esther and John.

The mere fact that I found one of the best law of attraction books is a testament in itself. Just when I was starting to get interested in the principles of the universe, I stumbled upon the book Ask and It is Given.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Esther Hicks

Then I found out that it was part of this excellent series of manifesting books. It has played an instrumental role in my dive into the law of attraction.

This series is composed of seven amazing books which help you learn more about the most essential principle of our world and how to use them to manifest your deepest, most longed-for desires.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Tony Robbins

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Published in 1992, this monstrous 544-page book will do it’s best to help you wake up from inaction and start you on the track to controlling your life.

Tony is a renowned expert of psychological change and he will guide you step-by-step in self mastery.

The book will enable you to take control, to discover your purpose, and to harness the Universe’s principles into shaping your destiny!

The book is quite long but I assure you, it’s worth investing the time to read it to the end . In fact, I sincerely think that everyone should read this book at least once in their life as it is sure to change them for the better.


The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

This is a short 146-page book published back in 1910 and was featured in The Secret.

Wallace created this masterpiece with the intent of helping you get “what you want”, a truly outstanding guide to manifesting and wealth creation. Wallace explains that there is a real science in gaining wealth.

He also shows how to utilize this idea into breaking through our thought barriers to actually getting rich. He states that the mere fact that you want to get rich actually empowers everyone around you.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Science of getting rich

This is not a philosophical book, it is direct and straight to the point. Wallace’s target audience is those who want to be rich first and ponder upon the meaning of life later. If you are one of the former, I highly suggest you give it a try.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Think and grow rich

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Published in 1937, this 233-page book has sold millions of copies all around the world and inspired a lot of wealthy individuals and celebrities.

Chances are, you have already seen it. The book offers timeless information on personal development to help you achieve the proper mindset to getting wealthy.

Napoleon also emphasizes the fact that the philosophies he imparts are not exclusive to money but can be applied to all aspects of our lives.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

This is a 212-page book published around 2005. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind unearths the hidden barrier between wanting and achieving financial success.

You may think that the differences between you and other successful people are a myriad of things such as: education, skills, intelligence, work habits, etc. But Eker says NO.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Secrets of the millionaire mind

The difference between you and successful people is in the mind. Specifically, the mindset that you have. Eker dissects all these and helps you change that mindset you have to that of a millionaire!

It’s a great read if you want to improve your financial situation.

Best Law of Attraction Books - richest man in babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon by George Clason

This book is loved by millions around the world, this 194-page classic is as timeless as they come.

It was first published in 1926 but it’s philosophies still hold true to this day. It is riddled with “Babylonian parables” and considered to be the most inspirational book on topics of wealth, financial planning, and thrift.

This great piece of work includes informative and fascinating stories that will help you on your path to abundance and prosperity.

It offers solutions to the most common financial problems we face and it will guide you through your journey in manifesting wealth.


Best Law of Attraction Books - Success principles

The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

This is without doubt one of the best law of attraction books of all time. I cannot recommend it highly enough!  Published in 2004, Jack really did an awesome job with it, following after his other well known book Chicken Soup for the Soul.

His writing is precise and simple with not a single wasted word. The Success Principles is an inspiring guide that teaches you confidence, living with passion, and realizing your ambitions.

It includes 64 time-defying principles used by the most successful people in the world. Taken together and applied in daily life, this book will ensure you will transform yourself beyond your wildest imagination!

Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement by Tony Robbins

This book is all about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),in simple terms, reprogramming your mind. This was published in 1986 and is 448 pages long.

This book emphasizes that changing your mindset is the key to success. There is a lot of NLP theory in this book but Tony backs it all up with real case studies and stories.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Unlimited power

Some people say it’s not  as good as Awaken the Giant Within because it’s all very technical, but it still holds up well and is a thought provoking read.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Master key system

The New Master Key System by Charles Haanel

This is actually a pretty old book, published back in 1912. Just goes to show how old the law of attraction is, huh? This edition however has been revised and updated for the 21st century!

This 236-page book revolves around the concept that a Master Key is given to everyone to help us tap into the “Great Cosmic Intelligence” in order to attract our ambitions and aspirations.

Charles intends the book not to be read as a novel, but as a course study. It has 24 lessons which are delivered to you on a weekly basis.

You are advised to read and re-read only one lesson each week and extract all you can from it before proceeding onto the next. By the end of it all, you will have the mental state to achieve your desires and enjoy the wonders this world has to offer.

The Master Key System has helped thousands of people throughout the world, solidifying it as one of the best law of attraction books of all time.

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

This is an amazingly useful book, at 368 pages I finished this in just a few days reading in my breaks between work.

It does have somewhat of a religious slant to it, but that shouldn't put off anyone who is not religious as the Bible quotes are really all about living a good and balanced life. Instead, see it as a spiritual journey about learning to relax enough to let the power your subconscious work to help you bring about positive changes in your life.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Power of the subconcious mind

My favourite piece of advice from the book (and one that I now practice daily) is to ask your subconscious a question before you go to bed. If you keep repeating the question until you drift off you may be surprised with the answers you get when you wake up, I was 🙂


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now is a 229-page guide about living in the present. As the book states, the secret to true enlightenment and happiness is living in the now.

It may not sound like the most original idea out there but Eckhart’s clear and concise writing really translates to an excellent guide for anyone wondering what “living in the present” really means.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Power of now

Now you may be wondering how this is all related to the law of attraction but if you think about it, having a happy and joyful mindset is a powerful tool in manifesting your desires.

Eckhart wrote the book to teach readers about the basics of their minds and as such, this is the best place to start if you are ready for a deep dive into manifesting.

Best Law of Attraction Books - As a man thinketh

 As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

This is an 80-page book published in 1902. It is very short but packs quite a serious punch. More of an essay than a book, James Allen offers clear answers to our questions about life:

Where must we look for guidance? How can we gain the clarity of the mind that gives us confidence and happiness?

James Allen states that many of us give too much importance to mere worldly possessions that we often forget about our spiritual needs. And that is what gives a person the utmost clarity of mind.


For some, reading may not be their cup of tea as it consumes almost all of their attention and focus. But there is a solution to that: audiobooks.

Audiobooks are great because you can listen to them while multitasking (what Tony Robbins terms as NET time ‘no extra time’), essentially doubling your productivity.

So without further ado, here are some of the best law of attraction audiobooks available today:

Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks

This is an abridged version of the Law of Attraction. It’s six hours long and is a very effective intro to the universe’s most basic law.

Esther and Jerry tackle the complexities of the original Teachings of Abraham: that everything, wanted or unwanted, is drawn to you by the universe’s most powerful law: The law of attraction.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Esther hicks audiobook
Best Law of Attraction Books - Dear universe

Dear Universe by Sarah Prout

More than a decade ago, Sarah’s life was as miserable as miserable gets.

She left an abusive marriage carrying two suitcases, two kids and a $30,000 debt. Now she runs a giant million-dollar company, is happily married, and is guiding people all around the world to achieving their dreams.

She attributes the success she had to the law of attraction and the power of manifesting.

She was inspired to create this 8-hour audiobook filled with mini-meditations to help us listeners achieve the proper mindset required in taking control of our lives and reaching for our goals.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind In Turbulent Times by T. Harv Eker

The title may be familiar to you because it was mentioned in the top law of attraction books above. This however is not just a reading of the book, it’s a unique combination of live seminar recordings and in-studio material.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind In Turbulent Times is a great 8-hour plus audio program that will help you change how your mind approaches financial issues.

Best Law of Attraction Books - T Harv Ecker

Eker  focuses on helping you to maximize what he calls your ‘personal economy’ so that it’s always booming and teaches us how to steer clear of the REAL cause of economic downturns.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Im worth more

I’m Worth More by Rob Moore

This 6-hour audiobook emphasizes that we must not undervalue ourselves.

You are worth a lot more than you might think!

Rob created the audiobook to help you understand and improve yourself. I’m Worth More will make you realize your  true value in the world through a series of self-esteem improvements which will help you achieve your ambitions, your goals, and ultimately your income.

By the end of the audiobook, you are guaranteed to have the soaring confidence required to manifest your desires!

You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero

This audiobook is perfect for you if you are tired of watching your money enter your bank account only to  slip away as quickly as it came.

The author went from living in a garage to traveling the world in luxury in just a few short years and she is dedicated to helping you do the same.

Best Law of Attraction Books - Badass at making money

She explains how most people are far too focused on the money and she shows you how to dig your way out of this mentality.

A fascinating audiobook that really tackles the mindset  people need in order to have the financial freedom we all so crave.


The above are what I believe to be the best law of attraction books and audio programs. Pick a few that resonate with you and dive in! If you apply the concepts you learn I’m sure you’ll find it as life-changing for you as it was for me.

Have you read any of these? Are there any not on the list that you would recommend? Let me know in the comments!

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Best Law of Attraction Books

About the author, Steve

Hi My name is Steve Hall. If there are things about your life you wish were better but you have little to no idea about what steps to take to get you from where you are now to where you want to be then you’re in the right place!